Transform Your
MongoDB On-Premise Solutions
Enhance your MongoDB workflows with AI-powered on-premise solutions. Get instant insights, automated optimization, and intelligent analytics.
Key Features for MongoDB
Real-World Examples
Use Case:
"Real-time analytics pipeline with change streams"
// Set up change stream pipeline
const pipeline = [
$match: {
'operationType': { $in: ['insert', 'update', 'delete'] },
'fullDocument.type': 'order'
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'fullDocument.productId',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'productDetails'
$lookup: {
from: 'customers',
localField: 'fullDocument.customerId',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'customerDetails'
$project: {
operationType: 1,
orderDetails: '$fullDocument',
product: { $arrayElemAt: ['$productDetails', 0] },
customer: { $arrayElemAt: ['$customerDetails', 0] },
timestamp: '$clusterTime'
// Real-time analytics aggregation
const analyticsAggregation = [
$group: {
_id: {
productId: '$orderDetails.productId',
hour: {
$hour: '$timestamp'
totalOrders: { $sum: 1 },
totalRevenue: {
$sum: {
$multiply: ['$orderDetails.quantity', '$product.price']
uniqueCustomers: {
$addToSet: '$orderDetails.customerId'
$project: {
_id: 0,
productId: '$_id.productId',
hour: '$_id.hour',
totalOrders: 1,
totalRevenue: 1,
uniqueCustomers: { $size: '$uniqueCustomers' }
// Implement change stream
const changeStream =;
changeStream.on('change', async data => {
// Process real-time metrics
const hourlyMetrics = await db.orders
// Store metrics
await db.hourlyAnalytics.insertMany(hourlyMetrics);
// Check for anomalies
const anomalyDetection = await db.hourlyAnalytics.aggregate([
$group: {
_id: '$productId',
avgOrders: { $avg: '$totalOrders' },
stdDevOrders: { $stdDevPop: '$totalOrders' }
$match: {
$expr: {
$gt: [
{ $abs: { $subtract: ['$avgOrders', hourlyMetrics.totalOrders] } },
{ $multiply: ['$stdDevOrders', 2] }
// Handle anomalies
if (anomalyDetection.length > 0) {
await db.anomalyAlerts.insertOne({
timestamp: new Date(),
type: 'order_anomaly',
details: anomalyDetection
MongoDB real-time capabilities: • Change streams for event monitoring • Complex aggregation pipelines • Real-time metric calculation • Anomaly detection • Multi-collection operations Implementation features: 1. Order tracking pipeline 2. Revenue calculation 3. Customer analysis 4. Anomaly detection 5. Alert generation Perfect for: - Real-time dashboards - Monitoring systems - Anomaly detection - Performance tracking
Common Use Cases
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Optimize your MongoDB on-premise solutions with AI-powered automation
Why Choose AI-Powered MongoDB?
Complete Control
Full control over your MongoDB infrastructure, security, and data.
Data Sovereignty
Keep sensitive data within your physical premises and jurisdiction.
Custom Hardware
Optimize performance with specialized hardware configurations.
Network Isolation
Enhanced security through complete network isolation and custom firewall rules.
Legacy Integration
Seamlessly integrate with existing on-premise systems and workflows.
Compliance Ready
Meet strict regulatory requirements with full infrastructure control.
Easy Integration
Connect your MongoDB instance with just a few clicks
Enterprise-grade encryption and security measures
Start seeing improvements immediately after integration
Simple, Transparent Pricing
- Single Server Deployment
- Basic Security Features
- 8x5 Support
- Annual Updates
- Basic Monitoring
- High-Availability Setup
- Advanced Security
- 24x7 Support
- Quarterly Updates
- Advanced Monitoring
- Custom Architecture
- Custom Security
- 24x7 Premium Support
- Monthly Updates
- Custom Monitoring
Ready to Transform Your MongoDB On-Premise Solutions?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hardware requirements?
Hardware requirements for MongoDB vary based on your scale and performance needs. We'll help you design the optimal configuration.
How is security handled?
You maintain complete control over security with custom firewall rules, network isolation, and access controls.
Can you integrate with existing systems?
Yes, we provide tools and expertise to integrate with your existing infrastructure and legacy systems.
How are updates managed?
You control the update schedule. We provide tested updates and support for deployment within your maintenance windows.